Work Life Coaching

Work Life Coaching
Headlight is simple effective coaching for your work life – online, on subscription
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Head of Brand Strategy & Development

“Headlight has been a real journey and personal breakthrough, enabling me to explore  and challenge competencies further through application of easy-to-use and impactful tools  constantly developing me as a more dynamic professional and social individual”


Partner & Communications Advisor

“The Headlight Program allowed me to focus my attention on a blind spot where I had a huge potential for personal growth.”


Data- and Business Process Manager

“The structure and simplicity of the program really helped in keeping focus. And the progress would not have happened without my trainer, guiding me through the focus check and pushing gently to go and engage with people that I need support from. This approach has resulted in more fruitful collaboration with my own manager, and other decision makers, and gotten me into more of the tasks that I thrive in doing.”


Chief consultant

"By providing concrete tools and methods that I can utilize on my job. I’ve become aware of my personal strengths and shortcomings, and know exactly what to focus on to improve my worklife significantly."


Senior Product Manager

"I liked that we started uncovering our hidden curriculum. In some professional areas I felt certain friction and loved to better understand where that comes from to ultimately make a conscious decision if I want to change and adapt. I now feel more confident that I used all resources at my disposal to challenged my approaches and ideas in order to direct my professional career in a way that is good for me as well as the company I work for."



"Headlight has been the perfect coaching program to get people to discover what they are missing and what they want with their work lifes. When people realize what they want and get the tools and coaching to reach it, they become bettet at their job. And that is definitely something we have felt the benefit from."


Head of Brand Management

"When I first started with Headlight I found myself in a transition phase on a private and professional level. Today, I’m proud about how I reflect over what is important to me, how I get all things  done and living my everyday life according to my full potential."
See our journal
Some of our clients


Take the test and discover your personal strengths, their flip side and where there is room for improvement


The Headlight Program will provide you with the clarity and tools to accelerate profound change in your work life. You define your status quo and your coach will guide and challenge you to change it.

Headlight Journal

Fresh perspectives on modern worklife

Claus Meyer is still hungry

Words by Kristoffer Dahy Ernst
Photo by Max Madsen & Thomas Flensted
Claus Meyer changed the eating habits of a nation and became a multimillionaire along the way. The Danish chef, restaurateur and entrepreneur wanted to establish his approach to food and hospitality in New York City. The endeavour was more challenging than he would ever have expected. After being awarded a total of three Michelin Stars and having launched a widely acclaimed nonprofit food school in the Brownsville, Brooklyn, he is now back in the country where he belongs and with the company he founded, ever so eager to change things and freer than ever to do so.
Read the article

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